Last week, Epic Development attended the 2014 NAHB International Builders’ Show in Las Vegas at the invitation of Clopay Garage Doors. This year’s show was combined with the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show creating an event with over 1,700 exhibitors who displayed the latest trends in design, technology and construction. Attendance was reported at over 75,000 building industry professionals. Clopay interviewed Epic Development along with a handful of other top builders around the country about their products and especially the Avanti line of garage doors. The interview will be featured in future marketing campaigns by the company and on their web site.
In addition, both Clopay and Hearth and Home Technologies (Heat & Glow and Heatilator Fireplaces), used images of Epic Development’s work at the show. The IBS was a great opportunity to meet directly with key players at both companies and learn about the exciting new additions to already extensive product offerings by each company. There was also ample time to attend numerous education sessions and meetings as well as network with our colleagues and vendors in the industry including one of our top local suppliers, Builder Specialties.
A bonus from the show is that we discovered “Spotlights” manufactured by ODL, which is an international manufacturer based in the US, and which will be released to the market in the Spring of 2014. We hope to be the first builder in Atlanta to use their innovative new product.
The trip wrapped up with a meeting with the editors of Professional Remodeler magazine to discuss our current remodeling projects and trends in the industry. We hope to work more with them in the future and provide input on trends in design and products.